Join the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation and Alaskans for Palmer Hayflats for a National Trails Day celebration and clean-up at Reflections Lake. Alaska Department of Fish and Game will provide trash bags and trash removal. Bring gloves, smiles, water, snacks, and anything else you need to celebrate trails, and beautify our outdoor spaces for the summer hiking season.
A booth will be located at the boat launch area of the Reflection Lake Trail with clean-up supplies, a kid’s birding scavenger hunt, education information, a raffle for prizes, and more!
Celebrate trails on Saturday, June 5th, from 12 pm to 3 pm at Reflections Lake. We’ll see you out there!
Directions: Mile 30.8 Glenn Highway at Knik River Access exit. Reflections Lake and parking area are located on the west side of frontage road.

While applying for their PFD online, Alaskans can choose to Pick.Click.Give. in increments of $25. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive tax documentation from the State once their donations have been processed. Permanent Fund Dividend applications are available from January 1 to March 31, though Alaskans may choose to add or adjust their pledges online through August 31.
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Grants and Event Sponsorships
The Mat-Su Trails & Parks Foundation partners with organizations and local governments on projects and efforts that expand and enhance the valley’s network of trails and parks. Find out how we can help fund your next trail, park, or recreation project!