Support + Donate
With your support, we can build and maintain the world-class recreational infrastructure the Mat-Su Borough deserves. That means more trails, more amenities, and more access to what you love.

Donate Online – Once
You can donate today by credit card, via your bank account with either a one-time donation or with a recurring donation. Your choice!

Donate Online – Monthly
You can donate today by credit card, via your bank account with either a one-time donation or with a recurring donation. Your choice!

Pick. Click. Give.
When you fill out your PFD this year consider making a donation to the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation through

Combined Federal Campaign (CFc)
The Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation is proud to be part of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) as charity # 92321!

Link your Fred Meyers Card
Link your Fred Meyers card to Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation #83521

Community thrift boutique that raises funds for Alaska’s Local Non Profits.

Donate by Mail
Send a cash or check donation by mail to PO Box 652 Palmer AK 99645
Directed Giving
Periodically, our board identifies projects that we actively participate in and/or advocate for. Generally, these projects have multiple partners and stakeholders engaged in the project. Currently, our priority project is the Curry Ridge Trail project. This project is a partnership with Alaska State Parks. Over the next three years we are planning to build 15 miles of trail linking Curry Ridge to the Kesugi Ridge trail in Denali State Park.
Once the connection is made, this route will link to approximately 45 miles of trail with sweeping panoramic views of Denali and the Alaska Range, excellent opportunities for alpine backpacking with options for day hikes, overnights, and multi-day trips. In part, because of generous community donors, we raised over $1 million for this project and it will begin summer of 2020. By becoming a donor and directing your gift YOU directly help build awesome new trails like this one.
Donor Opportunities
Mat-Su Trails and Parks Future Fund
In 2018, we partnered with the Alaska Community Foundation to establish an endowment fund to support the long-term maintenance of the trails and parks we help build through our grantmaking program. Our Board wanted to make sure that we are able to be good stewards of the investments we have made in trail and park infrastructure now and into the future. The board felt an endowment was the best tool to use because it gives community members the opportunity to have their gift invested in perpetuity. In 2022
Over time, based on the fund’s growth, this fund may also support the foundations’ longterm operations and grantmaking in addition to trail and park maintenance. A donation to the fund allows you to be a friend of the future and will ensure our trail system will be taken care of now and into the future. We look forward to working with you to ensure future generations will benefit from your support.

Donor Opportunities
For some donors, making large charitable gifts to all the organizations they care about most, is not an option. Everyday life is financially demanding and most people don’t have the disposable income to support the various social causes they care about. Leaving a gift to Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation in your Will or Trust allows you to make a meaningful gift after you are gone, without sacrificing the needs of your family today.
If you are considering making a bequest to the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation, we ask that you let us know so that we can clarify with you the specific intent of your gift. As a consideration, while you are exploring your planned giving options and what method to use, below is some sample language for you to consider. We also encourage you to also seek the advice of your legal and financial advisors to ensure you are making the type of gift that is the best fit for your situation.
- Bequest of a Specific Dollar Amount: I hereby give, devise and bequeath _________ and No/100 dollars ($DOLLARS) to the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation, a nonprofit organization located at 642 S. Alaska, Suite 215, Palmer, AK 99645, Federal Tax ID #90-0699180, for the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation is general use and purpose (or describe the specific purpose).
- Bequest of Specific Personal Property (Donation of Goods): I hereby give, devise and bequeath DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation, a nonprofit organization located at 642 S. Alaska, Suite 215, Palmer, AK 99645, Federal Tax ID #90-0699180, for the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation is general use and purpose (or describe the specific purpose).
- Bequest of Specific Real Estate (Donation of Land): I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of the rights, title and interest in and to the real estate located at ADDRESS OR DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY to the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation, a nonprofit organization located at 642 S. Alaska, Suite 215, Palmer, AK 99645, Federal Tax ID #90-0699180, for the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation is general use and purpose (or describe the specific purpose).