Our Grants
The Mat-Su Trails & Parks Foundation (MSTPF) partners with entities on projects and efforts that expand and enhance the valley’s trail network and parks. The foundation considers grant applications for financial assistance on a competitive basis each quarter as funding availability allows.
$2,350,000 grants funded
400+ Miles of Trails Developed
74 Projects Completed
$5,000,000 total dollars leveraged
85 Miles of New Trails Created
Who We Fund
Prospective grantees must be legal entities, provide services or benefits to Mat-Su area residents and have a tax identification number (EIN) to qualify for grants:
- Non-profits
- Alaska Native Non-Profit Organization
- Federally Recognized Tribe
- Government Entity or Community Council
- Religious Organization
- Service organizations
Who we do not fund:
- Individuals
- For-profit organizations
- Private foundations
- Organizations with a major purpose of influencing legislation or supporting candidates for political or appointed office
- Organizations that discriminate by reason of race, religion, gender, national origin, or political orientation
What We Fund
The MSTPF supports organizations that advance quality trails and parks in the Mat-Su Borough. The foundation considers applications for financial assistance on a competitive basis each quarter as funding availability allows:
- New trails and parks
- Physical improvements or development of trails and trailheads, parks, and recreation sites
- Trail, park and playground amenities, equipment and signage
- Planning and surveying
We do not fund:
- Private trails or parks
- Projects on private property without legal easement
- Loans
- Endowments
- Fundraising events or tournaments
- Reimbursement for items in a completed project or items already purchased
- Ongoing operations or program funding
- Indirect rates or costs not associated with proposed project
Grant Guidelines
$20,000 and below – No match required; however, the match is encouraged.
$20,001 – $50,000 – Minimum Match of 3:1 is required: Cash or In-kind. Ex: a $40,000 total project budget would mean the applicant provides $10,000 cash and in-kind match. Half of the match must be cash totaling at least $5,000. In-kind grantee volunteer hours are limited to $28.54 per hour. In-Kind Match may not exceed 50% of the match. Contractors willing to donate time not associated with the grantee may do so at the rate they normally charge.)
$50,001 – $100,000 – Minimum Match of 2:1 required: Cash and In-kind match accepted. In-kind match may not exceed 50% of the total match—same in-kind terms as above.
Grant Applications are Currently Closed.
Please contact staff for any questions and updates on grant funding opportunities.
Looking for event or program sponsorship?
The Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation is now offering sponsorships. Please email info@matsutrails.org with questions or to get a copy of our sponsorship application.
Community Supporters
Apply Today
Use our online grant portal application to apply! If you have any questions about the application process, please contact MSTPF staff by email or call the office at 907-746-8757. As of August 2021 the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation will no longer be accepting paper or .pdf applications.