From Your Backyard to the Backcountry, the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation provides funding for the trails, parks, and recreation projects that make the Mat-Su Wild, Accessible, and World-Class!
Thanks to generous community donations, the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation has provided $350,000 in funding so far in 2021 for a variety of projects all over the Mat-Su. These projects include grooming equipment for winter trails, trail projects at popular Mat-Su parks including the Matanuska River Park and Settlers Bay Coastal Park, as well as the Curry Ridge Connector Trail Project in Denali State Park.
2021 Grantees
Snowcat Tracked Vehicles to groom South Denali Trails
Curry Ridge Riders, Friends of Denali State Park received a $40,000 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to purchase two Bombardier Snowcats for winter trail grooming. This project will result in the acquisition of two tracked vehicles to establish and maintain new winter borough snow trails annually across the South Denali area for motorized and non-motorized public use.
Skeetawk Summer Trails Construction Phase 1
Hatcher Alpine Xperience received a $50,000 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to begin construction of the first phase of a multi-phased summer trails plan. This project will create a 4,300’ multi-use trail, and a 2,500’ handicap accessible loop off the top of the first chairlift. This project will add value to the area by providing more opportunities for users of all abilities and skill levels to explore and experience the Hatcher Pass area.
Settlers Bay Coastal Park ADA Lookout
The Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation provided $9,300 to Great Land Trust to finish the construction of an ADA Lookout at Settlers Bay Coastal Park. This project was funded through an AARP Community Challenge Grant and a private donor. This project will be completed in Spring 2022.
Willow Trail Committee Parkway Trail
The Willow Trail Committee received a $14,750 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to provide a safe multi-use recreational trail connecting the Parks Highway bike path to Newman Park, Willow Creek State Recreation Area, the Willow Community Center, and residential subdivisions.
Settlers Bay Coastal Park Improvements
The Matanuska-Susitna Borough received a $20,980 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to complete construction of the ADA bluff trail, opening two new CXT’s, 1-mile of intermediate bike trail, and improvement to the new 2-mile beginner bike trails. The Settlers Bay Coastal Park is a regional park in the Knik-Fairview Area that opened in the Fall of 2019.
Maureen McCombs Equestrian and X-Country Trail Project
The City of Wasilla received a $50,000 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to improve existing trail loops at Bumpus Recreation Area. This project widens existing trails to better accommodate a variety of non-motorized users, including equestrian and cross-country groups. The Bumpus Recreation Area is continuing to develop a variety of opportunities for the community and connects to the city bike trail system allowing thousands of residents to walk and roll to this awesome recreation area.
Big Lake Trail Groomer
Big Lake Trails, Inc. received an $18,750 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to purchase a Tucker snowcat after one of their two snowcats used to groom the trails in the Big Lake area suffered a major breakdown. Big Lake Trails, Inc. grooms multi-use and motorized trails from Big Lake to the Willow Trails, providing access to access to a variety of user groups.
Mountaineering Club of Alaska Bomber Hut Foyer Addition
The Mountaineering Club of Alaska received a $21,113 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to renovate the existing Bomber Hut. The Mountaineering Club of Alaska’s Bomber hut is a backcountry shelter in Hatcher Pass and provides shelter for hikers, skiers, and mountaineers. The renovation included adding a foyer and additional sleeping area, as well as improving the weather and wildlife resistance of the hut. This project will keep the hut operational for generations to come and provide world-class backcountry experiences for residents and visitors.
Student Conservation Association Mat-Su Borough Corps Team
The Student Conservation Association received a $31,999 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to host a young adult Corps Team to complete five weeks of conservation work, building and maintaining biking and hiking trails at the new Settler’s Bay Park, Matanuska River Park, and West Butte Trail. The Corps Team is supervised by Matanuska-Susitna Borough Trails Supervisor, Alan McClain. Through collaboration with the Borough, this project helps expand and maintain a quality trail and park system in the Mat-Su.
Hatcher Pass Trail Grooming
Hatcher Pass Snow Riders Club received a $40,000 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to purchase a snowcat to improve access to the snowmobile trail and corridor system in Hatcher Pass. During the 2018/2019 season, Hatcher Pass Snow Riders Club took over the grooming and maintenance of the trails. The club used snow machines with tow-behind trail groomers and lots of volunteer hours to groom 13-miles of trails. With a snowcat, the club is creating a safer and more enjoyable experience for all levels of snowmachine users in Hatcher Pass.
Fat Tire Bike Groomer
Valley Mountain Bikers and Hikers received a $3,580 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to purchase a “V” plow-type groomer for grooming single track trail at Government Peak Recreation Area. Valley Mountain Bikers and Hikers maintain well-groomed winter single-track trails at Government Peak Recreation Area, providing a unique winter bike-riding opportunity in the Mat-Su. With the growing popularity of winter biking, the new “V” shape plow will allow the Valley Mountain Bikers and Hikers to provide world-class recreation opportunities in the Mat-Su!
Outdoor Learning Cart at Machetanz Elementary
Alaskans For Palmer Hay Flats, in coordination with teachers at Machetanz Elementary, received a $3095 grant from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation to purchase and stock an “Outdoor Learning Cart” to enable teachers to easily facilitate outdoor learning experiences on nearby trails. The carts contain weatherproof plastic totes containing foam tiles for outdoor seating, outdoor clipboards, tarps, books, nature journals, “science kits”. In addition, Alaskans for Palmer Hay Flats purchased and maintains a collection of trail maintenance tools and resources that can be used for workshops to teach trail stewardship and preservation of public resources.
Curry Connector Trail Project
While applying for their PFD online, Alaskans can choose to Pick.Click.Give. in increments of $25. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive tax documentation from the State once their donations have been processed. Permanent Fund Dividend applications are available from January 1 to March 31, though Alaskans may choose to add or adjust their pledges online through August 31.
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Grants and Event Sponsorships
The Mat-Su Trails & Parks Foundation partners with organizations and local governments on projects and efforts that expand and enhance the valley’s network of trails and parks. Find out how we can help fund your next trail, park, or recreation project!