Meadow Lakes Community Development Testimony

Meadow Lake Community Development volunteers on the Woodland Trail
Patricia Fisher, Meadow Lakes Community Development Treasurer

Meadow Lakes Community Development is a non-profit organization in the community of Meadow Lakes. We are attached to the local Community Council which was organized over 35 years ago.  Our mission is to support, develop and manage community facilities, parks, and other public improvements in our area for the betterment of the community. To achieve that goal we operate a Community Park at 1205 N. Kim Dr.   The Park, use of which is free to the public, is 22 acres and includes a soccer field, two little-league baseball diamonds, a basketball and tennis court, a picnic pavilion, and children’s playground.

The most recent additions to the Park are two trails which were developed through grants from the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation.  One trail is a “Walking Trail” around the perimeter of the park, designed as an easy walk for all ages and abilities.  The second trail is the “Woodland Trail” adjoining to the north of the playing fields.  This trail is a natural path through a wooded area crisscrossed by a beautiful crystal-clear stream.

Equipment rental and gravel for the trails was provided by the MST&P Foundation.  Community volunteers spent many hours providing the labor to build the trails.   They enjoyed the opportunity to create these park features which contribute to the health and enjoyment of the community.   I would say that the work days spent on the trails were quite fun.  Pictures attached.

We are looking forward to 2021 with the goal of developing a third trail to the south of the playing fields.  It will be another natural path through a heavily wooded area.  You might say that our park will be sandwiched, to the north and south, between lovely wooded trails.

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While applying for their PFD online, Alaskans can choose to Pick.Click.Give. in increments of $25. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive tax documentation from the State once their donations have been processed. Permanent Fund Dividend applications are available from January 1 to March 31, though Alaskans may choose to add or adjust their pledges online through August 31.

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The Mat-Su Trails & Parks Foundation partners with organizations and local governments on projects and efforts that expand and enhance the valley’s network of trails and parks. Find out how we can help fund your next trail, park, or recreation project!

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