Our first big Thank YOU of the day goes to our partners at the Mat-Su Convention and Visitors Bureau. At their annual meeting last week they surprised us with an award- the Annual Northern Lights Award that honors a community or organization in the Mat-Su Borough that has distinguished itself for outstanding tourism promotion and/or development. We love our partnership with MSCVB and their membership and appreciate how our two organizations support each other’s mission in many ways.
Second, we’d like to say Thank YOU to our friends at Matanuska Electric Association, the MEA Foundation, and to the nearly 40,000 members who round-up their monthly electric bill. Because of YOUR support we were awarded a grant to continue building-out our Mobile Trail APP. Have you heard about our app? Its a FREE smart phone app that highlights trails in the Mat-Su Borough. Soon all the summer, winter, and water trails throughout the Borough will be uploaded and available to support your next adventure. Here is the link to download the app onto your phone.
Last but not least, Thank YOU number three goes out to our friends at Aurora Dog Mushers Club. In 2017, we provided grant funding to the Aurora Dog Mushers to purchase a non-motorized winter trail easement from the State of Alaska, to protect historic dog mushing trails in the Knik-Fairview area. Tabby, a club board member, stopped in the other day a gifted us with some of their historic dog mushing art. Thank you so much, the artwork looks great in our office.

While applying for their PFD online, Alaskans can choose to Pick.Click.Give. in increments of $25. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive tax documentation from the State once their donations have been processed. Permanent Fund Dividend applications are available from January 1 to March 31, though Alaskans may choose to add or adjust their pledges online through August 31.
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The Mat-Su Trails & Parks Foundation partners with organizations and local governments on projects and efforts that expand and enhance the valley’s network of trails and parks. Find out how we can help fund your next trail, park, or recreation project!