Boat Launch Improvements!

Lake Louise Project Funded
Jude Bilafer, Director of Capital Projects, MSB (l) and Steve Charles, Chair Trails Committee, MSTPF(r)

Palmer, AK :: We awarded a grant to the Mat Su Borough for $40,000 in April that helps support their project to make improvements to the Lake Louise boat launch, and parking area. The project will improve safety and accessibility for the boat launch.  The parking area will be improved too that provides more space.  The boat launch is used by many recreationists out fishing, paddling or simply enjoying the lake. It is also an important access for homeowners on the lake as well. The Lake Louise, Susitna and Tyone Community Association (LSTCA) contributed financially to the project and are looking forward to its completion.  The Mat Su Borough is coordinating with the Alaska Dept. of Transportation which is a key landowner and stakeholder in the project.

This grant was awarded under our new 2018 guidelines, where we accept grant applications on a year-round basis. Qualifying grants are reviewed by the board at their first meeting of each quarter (Jan, April, July, Oct). Our next deadline is fast approaching. Grant applications should be submitted priory to the end of June to be considered for this quarters review. You can check our grant guidelines online, and download an application today! If you have questions contact Stuart Leidner, at 907.746.8757 or

About Mat Su Trails and Parks Foundation

The Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation understands that for residents, living an outdoor lifestyle is important and that access to trails and public open space is essential to our quality of life.  Due to this strong outdoor focused cultural identity, given the right opportunities, we believe residents and businesses will make investments that support our shared vision of a world-class integrated network of trails and parks in the Mat-Su Borough.  Support our Mission today  and be part of the inspiration, catalyst, and resource for sustainable trail and park development in the Mat-Su Borough.

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While applying for their PFD online, Alaskans can choose to Pick.Click.Give. in increments of $25. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive tax documentation from the State once their donations have been processed. Permanent Fund Dividend applications are available from January 1 to March 31, though Alaskans may choose to add or adjust their pledges online through August 31.

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The Mat-Su Trails & Parks Foundation partners with organizations and local governments on projects and efforts that expand and enhance the valley’s network of trails and parks. Find out how we can help fund your next trail, park, or recreation project!

Trail Maintenance